Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ionne MacCauley

My quilt guild had the wonderful opportunity to have fiber artist Ionne MacCauley from Qualicum, B.C. as our guest speaker on Tuesday.  As a member of the program committee I and 3 other members had a lovely time taking Ionne out to dinner before the meeting.   We went to an Italian restaurant, Palliotti's,  and had a great dinner and chat with Ionne.   She is a very nice woman and a super artist.  Her lecture was about colour in quilts and all that goes with it.  Her trunk show was marvolus and we were treated to a look at about 65 of her quilts.  She has a new book out called Color for the Terrified Quilter, so I just had to buy it.  She autographed it for me. I can't wait to make a quilt from her book.
Take a look at her web site and be inspired.

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