Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I was up very early one morning last week and saw something I don't see all that often.  It was a spectacular sunrise and I had to take a picture.


What a busy   month November was!  I knitted hats, tie dyed some socks, finished off a very old project and took part in a post card swap.

   This is my very old project .  I did this little quilt in a colour class that I did at least 14 years ago.  I was'nt to fussy on it.  I had a chance to use it as a teaching tool when I went to Michael's class to do a little lecture on quilting by the pioneers.  I let the kids practice hand quilting on it.  I was quite surprised that the boys in the class were much more interested in trying quilting than the girls.  One child that enjoyed quilting was a little girl that had some learning problems.  The little girl died in a house fire shortly after that.  I never wanted to take out all the big stitches that the kids had done because they were precious to me, so the unfinished quilt languished on the quilt  rack for  10 years.  I finally decided to just machine quilt all over the top, which also holds down the large stitches that the kids did.  I am so glad that it is finally done, all be it back on the quilt rack.   

     Hats,  I have been knitting like crazy.   I have knitted 7 hats in October and November and I am half way through number 8.  Then I have 2 more of the ribbed touques and I am finished.

Some tie dyed socks.  They are so much fun to make, I might get some more done before Christmas.

Autumn themed postcards. Mine is the oak leaf and acorn.  It is done with wool and wool felt.  The leaves one is done with a print background and silk leaves and the tree one is done on an embroidery machine.  Boy I would like to have one of those!

       This card swap was paint.  I used the setacolour paint and sun painted it and stamped with ink.  The other card's flowers are dimensional,  she used some interfacing and painted it until it was stiff.  I don't know if the flowers were cut out before or after.