Saturday, November 13, 2010

coffee cuff

I love doing these little coffee cuffs.  I see they have the fabric ones for sale now at Starbucks, which is my usual choice of coffee if I'm out.  Anyway here is my little version.


Peggy said...

Like the cuff!! I made some of those a couple of years ago, but would love to know what your pattern is. I just found your blog today, and am now a follower, looking forward to getting to know you. Blessings, Peg

Terry van der Est said...

I don't post often, but thank you for being interested in my blog! I used the cardboard cuff that comes on your coffee from starbucks. I laid it out flat and traced around it and then cut it out including a seam allowance. I used a thin batting that is insulated for making pot holders. I tried using a couple of layers of thicker batt, but it made it too hard to turn inside out. I layered it right sides together with batt on the bottom and sewed around where I had traced to pattern leaving one of the short sides open. Then turned it, sewed the open side closed. Measured it around the cup and stitched it into a cuff. They take no time at all.